1. If you want to hide Subgrid Create button based on condition you can use the below script.
You have to apply the below script on Basic Forms --> Open your Basic Form --> go to Additional Settings --> add in Custom Javascript.
// Based on Condition Hide Subgrid Create Button
// hide create button once sub-grid contains a record
$(".entity-grid").on("loaded", function () {
var tBody = $(this).find("tbody")
if(tBody.length > 0)
var Value=$("#its_budgeted").val();
2. Hiding Lookup values on Portal Forms, use the below script on Basic Form.
You have to apply the below script on Basic Forms --> Open your Basic Form --> go to Additional Settings --> add in Custom Javascript.
//Hide Lookup Values
$(document).ready(function() {
3. To setup Lookup Value on Portal form, use the below script on Basic Form.
You have to apply the below script on Basic Forms --> Open your Basic Form --> go to Additional Settings --> add in Custom Javascript.
$(document).ready(function () {
//To Set Lookup value use the below code
//To Retrieve Value use the below line
//var aa=$("#msdyn_serviceaccount").val();
4. Disable Lookup Selection, use the below script.
//Disable Lookup Values
$(document).ready(function() {
5. Automatically reopen last created record, use the below script.
You have to apply the below script on Lists --> Open your List Form --> go to Options --> add in Custom Javascript.
var existingRecordsList;
var firstLoad = true;
$(document).ready(function() {
var list = $(".entitylist.entity-grid").eq(0);
list.on("loaded", CheckNewRecord);
function CheckNewRecord() {
var list = $(".entitylist.entity-grid").eq(0);
var newRecordFound = false;
var newRecordId;
// first load
if (firstLoad) {
existingRecordsList = [];
if (existingRecordsList.length != $(list).find('table tbody tr').length) {
var tempRecordList = [];
$(list).find('table tbody tr').each(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("data-id");
if (!firstLoad && !newRecordFound && existingRecordsList.indexOf(id) < 0) {
newRecordId = id;
newRecordFound = true;
// reload global variable with items in temp list
existingRecordsList = tempRecordList;
if (newRecordFound && !!newRecordId) {
// open edit modal
var newRecordElement = $(list).find("[data-id='" + newRecordId + "']");
firstLoad = false;
6. Comparing Past Date with Current Date
$(document).ready(function () {
if (typeof (Page_Validators) == 'undefined') return;
// Create new DOB validator
var dobValidator = document.createElement('span');
dobValidator.style.display = "none";
dobValidator.id = "dobValidator";
dobValidator.controltovalidate = "its_accountingdate";
dobValidator.errormessage = "<a href='#its_accountingdate_label'>Accounting Date should not be past date.</a>";
dobValidator.validationGroup = "";
dobValidator.initialvalue = "";
dobValidator.evaluationfunction = function () {
var dobValue = $("#its_accountingdate").val();
var dob=moment(new Date(dobValue),'DD/MM/YYYY');
var today =moment(new Date(),'DD/MM/YYYY');
if (dob < today) {
return false;
return true;
// Add the dobValidator to Web Page’s validators array
// Attach event handler of the validation summary link
$("a[href='#its_accountingdate_label']").on("click", function () { scrollToAndFocus('its_accountingdate_label','its_accountingdate');
alert("Error during DOB validation – "+e.description);
7. Apply JS on Onchange of Field, use the below script.
$(document).ready(function () {
// register onPrimaryChange function to run on change of its_name field
function onPrimaryChange(){
8. Associate Subgrid Record, use the below script on Subgrid Basic Form
$(document).ready(function() {